English conversation

  • I don´t need to speek English in the archive, but it can be very useful, for example when we get inquiries from the UK or the USA. Besides from that, it´s fun to use English...
    I sometimes watch films in English. When I went to the USA, there were only English films (without subtitles!) shown in the airplane. So I watched two films I already knew in German- "Ice Age 2" and "Oceans twelve". ^^
    amalia: You were in Sweden? Did you see any moose?? When I was a child, I went on holiday to Sweden and unfortunately, we didn´t see any moose at all. :(
    But in the USA (Yellowstone) I had an eye-to-eye encounter with a big bull moose. This caused me goose bumps!

    Das Denken ist allen Menschen erlaubt, aber vielen bleibt es erspart...

  • Aww, this is a very good idea! But I'm not so good in writing/speaking English either... That's because I bought an advanced language course for English (this product). It's great and I recommend everyone who likes to improve his English! Although it's a bit expensive. I love English, but during my time at the hearing-impaired school my English get worse even though I was one of the top pupil in my former class and my parents are speaking English with each other (because they got to know each other in England and this was the only common language).
    In my library we have no English-speaking customers at all because it's a scientific library of a regional department.
    By the way, my parents had a visit from their friends who are living in Newcastle. They claimed that I speak English very well. Incredible! xD
    Please correct me if I do some mistakes. =(

    When all else fails
    The open road

    (Patrick Wolf)

  • @ Pluna:
    Don't be afraid. I guess that everyone has got more or less problems with other languages. And often it's okay if you make mistakes. Real life is not school where you get bad feedback if something was wrong!

    "Von seinen Eltern lernt man lieben, lachen und laufen. Doch erst wenn man mit Büchern in Berührung kommt, entdeckt man, dass man Flügel hat." Helen Hayes

  • Today at the archive I had some very old letters which were written in French. In this situation I was very grateful for having had French lessons at school...
    But I had to remember the things I´ve learned, for it is long long ago since I spoke/read French the last time!

    Das Denken ist allen Menschen erlaubt, aber vielen bleibt es erspart...

  • On tuesday I had an english user. wow, that's always an adventure! He asked if we have a movie on english, too. Of course you can make it on english, it's a DVD!

    "Von seinen Eltern lernt man lieben, lachen und laufen. Doch erst wenn man mit Büchern in Berührung kommt, entdeckt man, dass man Flügel hat." Helen Hayes

  • We've got a lots of "reader" from all over the world. Because we have the FH for Clothes-Technics in Reutlingen.
    I've seen passports of Venezuela, Mexico, Maroc, USA, Brazil and many more.
    Some of them like to speak spanish. I can only count in spanish and can talk a few words including: Tiene algo de declarar? und Que hora es? :)

    Nice story: a arabic man came to our library one day and said: why don't you spreak arabic??? And me: why don't you speak german???
    He smiled... but surely he thought "shut up german bit..." ;) These are cultural differences.... hehe

    We had also a little workshop for English in librarys. This was a inhouse-workshop.
    And sometimes I need French to talk to the customers. Yeah I'm multilingual :)

    It's always nice to see people from all over the world :)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von old_school ()

  • Of course it is nice, if we can use our english in the library. but I think people from other countries must understand, that we can't speak in every language with them. if they can't speak german, they have to speak english because otherwis they have a big problem. years before I was able to speak spain and french, but I forgot most of it and i never had the special vocabulary for a job in a library...

    "Von seinen Eltern lernt man lieben, lachen und laufen. Doch erst wenn man mit Büchern in Berührung kommt, entdeckt man, dass man Flügel hat." Helen Hayes

  • But sometimes they speak no german and their english is very bad... i.g. most of the chinese and indian people. I had a lot of these people in my trainee library, whaaaa! You can't do anything, we had to communicate with our hands and feets. Now it is better, because in this library there are lots of spanish and french speakers, so I also can use my other language skills if we don't understand us with the english language.

    Es gibt viele schreckliche Anblicke im Multiversum. Doch für eine Seele, die an den subtilen Rhythmus einer Bibliothek gewöhnt ist, existiert kein schrecklicherer Anblick als ein Loch dort, wo sich eigentlich ein Buch befinden sollte.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    At the library I work now, there are sometimes exchange students who can't speak German properly. I'm always glad if I have the opportunity to use my English.
    But they are all very nice and try really hard to speak German with us. Unfortunately I've never learned the special vocabulary you need at a library. So sometimes I need also to speak with hands and feet (Is this an english phrase, by the way?).

    And I realized that I really need to go on with learning french and to refresh the little french I've already learned at the BOS. But it's so exhausting because I'm still on this level where you must learn vocabulary and the grammar. I'm not even able to read a children's book, yet.

    «Bibliotheken in Krisenzeiten zu schliessen, ist wie Krankenhäuser während der Pest zu schliessen.»

    (aus spanischen Protestbriefen gegen die Einsparungen im Kulturbereich)

    "Viele kleine Leute an vielen kleinen Orten, die viele kleine Dinge tun,
    werden das Antlitz dieser Welt verändern"
    (Sprichwort der Xhosa)

  • I learned the english terminology for the library in the vocational school. But I make the experience, that the users don't know them, so it is very useless for daily conversation.

    Es gibt viele schreckliche Anblicke im Multiversum. Doch für eine Seele, die an den subtilen Rhythmus einer Bibliothek gewöhnt ist, existiert kein schrecklicherer Anblick als ein Loch dort, wo sich eigentlich ein Buch befinden sollte.

  • I need also to speak with hands and feet

    hey Susi, I guess that isn't an english phrase. But its really so that the special vocabulary you learned in school not allways helps. Than we have the same problems. English users sometimes understand us but user from other countries which have to speak english cannot.

    "Von seinen Eltern lernt man lieben, lachen und laufen. Doch erst wenn man mit Büchern in Berührung kommt, entdeckt man, dass man Flügel hat." Helen Hayes

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Gosh! It is really antiquated to think you don't have to speak English, because you are in Germany. I suppose our generation has no problem with this. But people like these collegues (and Guido Westerwelle *HUST*) they belong to a another generation so..they think they could be so.....ignorant. Sorry for the word, but I really dislike these people. A few weeks ago I noticed that a shop assistant in the supermarket in the city of where I work couldn't speak English to a costumer. I can't understand this! I mean, the town live from the tourism, so you have to speak English in the selling departement! The shop assistant couldn't even tell the costumer that she should go to an another english speaking shop assistant.....


    Do you use French in your daily work often?

  • ... I thougt in these time it is standard to teach english in schools, vacational schools and sometimes in firms (for older employees or for refreshing). So I think everybody could speak and understand a few things in english (at least the easiest phrases).

    Es gibt viele schreckliche Anblicke im Multiversum. Doch für eine Seele, die an den subtilen Rhythmus einer Bibliothek gewöhnt ist, existiert kein schrecklicherer Anblick als ein Loch dort, wo sich eigentlich ein Buch befinden sollte.

  • don't forget, english is th language of the world and not german. so why should guest from other countries have to speak german when they can speak english? often they aren't for such a long time in germany that there is the need to lear it...

    "Von seinen Eltern lernt man lieben, lachen und laufen. Doch erst wenn man mit Büchern in Berührung kommt, entdeckt man, dass man Flügel hat." Helen Hayes

  • ... and those, who stay in Germany for a few weeks or month (if they are scientists, business people or even sportsmen/women) learn the most important phrases in german language or the language essentially. Or is there anyone, who learn arabic for a 1-week-holiday in Egypt? I was there and visit Alexandria and, of course, the library there. Nobody expect that I speak arabic, but there all employees have to speak english.

    Es gibt viele schreckliche Anblicke im Multiversum. Doch für eine Seele, die an den subtilen Rhythmus einer Bibliothek gewöhnt ist, existiert kein schrecklicherer Anblick als ein Loch dort, wo sich eigentlich ein Buch befinden sollte.

  • oh my godness! when i think about leanring such a difficult language just for holidays... that`s cruel. i guess i wouldn`t go there.

    and it`s right. whoever stays in germany a bit longer, learns som phrases. that`s normal.

    "Von seinen Eltern lernt man lieben, lachen und laufen. Doch erst wenn man mit Büchern in Berührung kommt, entdeckt man, dass man Flügel hat." Helen Hayes

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    @ Medusa: When would you get back the test? I hope you will get a good mark. ^^
    And what does it mean "exactly tell what a certain word means"?
    Did you mean, you had to explain a word in english words? Descriptions of words in english words... huh... I hated such tasks... x.x I'm bad in such explanations...

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    The English course in my school is just boring and useless.
    I learn stuff like preservation vocubulary in English, what I suppose, never have the chance to use it.
    It's annoying! The teacher isn't libarian, the most of the time she has no idea what the words mean she teach us.
    So, I don't like English course not any longer in the school. I am just happy when I will finish my apprenticeship anyway...